Build from Source

Build DMG yourself from source code. This is only recommended for people who don't have access to binaries or packages, or for developers who want to contribute to DMG.



Follow this guide by GitHub to install git for your OS.


Follow the official Go Installation Instructions for your OS.

You will also need to ensure that your PATH environment variable also includes the path to your ~/go/bin directory.

~/go/bin is usually automatically added to path on Windows if you use the official installer. It will usually have to be done manually on Linux / macOS.

On Linux and macOS, copy and run this code block in terminal to do it automatically:

Only Linux / macOS
echo "Your current shell is: $CURRENT_SHELL"

PATH_LINE='export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin'

if [[ $CURRENT_SHELL == *"zsh"* ]]; then
    if ! grep -q "PATH=.*go/bin" ~/.zshrc; then
        echo $PATH_LINE >> ~/.zshrc
        source ~/.zshrc
        echo "Added to ~/.zshrc"
        echo "go/bin already exists in ~/.zshrc"
elif [[ $CURRENT_SHELL == *"bash"* ]]; then
    if ! grep -q "PATH=.*go/bin" ~/.bashrc; then
        echo $PATH_LINE >> ~/.bashrc
        source ~/.bashrc
        echo "Added to ~/.bashrc"
        echo "go/bin already exists in ~/.bashrc"
    echo "Unsupported shell: $CURRENT_SHELL. Find instructions yourself."

Fully close and restart your terminal then do the following checks:

  • Check Go is installed correctly: go version

  • Check ~/go/bin is in your PATH variable, the output from running these commands should not be empty:

    • Mac / Linux: echo $PATH | grep go/bin

    • Windows: $env:PATH -split ';' | Where-Object { $_ -like '*\go\bin' }


macOS / Linux:

curl -fsSL | bash


powershell -c "irm|iex"

To check that Bun was installed successfully, open a new terminal window and run bun --version

Setting up

  1. Begin by cloning the DMG repository and changing into the directory:

git clone
cd Dank-Memer-Grinder
  1. Install go dependencies:

go mod tidy
  1. Install wails CLI:

go install -v
  1. Run this command to check if you have the correct dependencies installed. If not, it will advise on what is missing and help on how to rectify any problems.

wails3 doctor

If you see something like wails3: command not found... make sure you've followed these previous instructions to add /go/bin to path correctly

If you don't intend to make any changes and want to build an optimized binary:

// Windows
wails3 task windows:build

// Linux
wails3 task linux:build

// macOS
wails3 task darwin:build

After completing, the binary will be located in Dank-Memer-Grinder/bin .


We can also run DMG in development mode. This mode allows you to make changes to code and see the changes reflected in the running application without having to rebuild the entire application:

wails3 dev

After installation, you can proceed to configuring DMG.

Entering Token and Channel ID

Last updated